Most adults learn more when the learning is active. Studies show that 3 days after learning new information, adults retain:
ü 10 percent of what they read.
ü 20 percent of what they hear.
ü 30 percent of what they see.
ü 50 percent of what they see and hear.
ü 70 percent of what they say.
ü 90 percent of what they say as they do.
The OJT and Certification process provides the framework within which facilities can establish an effective OJT program. The program is based on the belief that the ATC Facility values each individual. The OJT process involves sharing the accountability for the training outcome with the individual in training. The key is holding all parties involved accountable for the effectiveness of the program. It is not a give-away program. Rather, it is maximizing each trainee's opportunity for learning, without compromising standards of performance.
Program Components
Component Description of the Process
Facility Training Hours Training hours are now determined by each facility, not on a national basis. The following types of training hours are established by the facility using recent history and standards:
§ On-the-job familiarization (OJF) hours: During OJF, the trainee observes experienced controllers at a particular operating position. OJF hours . . .
· Are not normally used to observe other trainees.
· May be assigned to more than one position.
· Are completed prior to beginning OJT on that position.
§ Target hours: Target hours are the amount of OJT hours that are normally used by an individual to certify on a given operating position. They are called target hours because they give the trainee and others a specific number of hours as a goal for completing training. An individual may certify at, above, or below the target hours. Target hours . . .
· Are determined be each facility for each operating position.
· May be established for categories of individuals (e.g., a transferring controller versus a school graduate).
Training Team A training team is established by the supervisor to guide an individual's training. The training team consists of the individual's coordinator, a primary OJT instructor, a secondary OJT instructor, and the trainee. The supervisor serves as the team leader and directs the training process based on recommendations from the other team members. The supervisor is the only person who can certify the individual, or suspend training.
Additional OJT Hours Additional OJT hours may be assigned to individuals who will not certify in the allotted target hours, but who, in the opinion of the training team, can certify with a set number of additional OJT hours. The training team can assign additional OJT hours up to 20 percent of the total target hours. Twenty percent is the limit the training team is authorized to assign. However, there is a process in place that allows the facility to assign additional OJT hours above the 20 percent.
Training Review If training is suspended due to OJT performance, a training review will be conducted. The purpose of the review is to ensure that the individual was given every opportunity for success and that the integrity of the training program has been maintained. The review is performed by a Controller assigned by the Air Traffic Control Facility Chief or the Deputy. This group may consist of a representative and at least two of the following individuals: a first-level supervisor who is not the individual's supervisor, a second-level supervisor, and the training chief.
The training review group may recommend the continuation of training including the assignment of a new training team, skill enhancement training, a new amount of OJT hours, or other actions that would help the individual certify. The group may also recommend that training be discontinued and make the final decision to continue or terminate training.